Sunday, December 13, 2009

what's the point? part 1

the title hopefully expresses what you're thinking right now. what's the point of another blog, right? i would like to share why i am attempting to make a minuscule contribution to this big world through blogging.

1) there is a sense in which we humans find relief, joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment when we simply express things-regardless of who beholds it. it is as if we are accomplishing something that we are meant to for. it is not my desire to write so that i will change people, the world, or whatever cliche might suffice. i simply want to write things because they are worth writing as an end to themselves. some things in life-indeed, many things-are worth saying or writing simply because they ought to be said or written. it is not of my concern to know who, if anyone, reads my words. i find joy in having a voice and in sayings things for their own sake. would i love to see change and do i hope my words ignite change for the better? yes, but i will not treat this blog as a means to my own or another persons end, but as an end in and of itself; put simply, i write because i believe that what i have to say my words are worth writing. that which is good, true, or beautiful is worth expressing for its own sake. it seems that the apostle paul understood this. he proclaimed the gospel as an end in itself, spoken because it true; it is the absolute best news anyone could hear. he did not tell it for his own end. when he went to nero, he probably knew that it would take a miracle of God to bring the emperor to repentance. but he did it anyway because it's not primarily about who will or won't belief, but about proclaiming truth; proclaiming it for its own sake, that is virtuous. when we use it for another end we can often lose its purpose and its value.

2) i am blogging because i believe in the things i am saying. if Jesus is who He is said to be and if the Bible is true then who we are, what we belief, how we live and think, and what we do matters and is of the utmost importance. if Jesus is God then we can't just go on living as if He isn't;the implications are huge. so, i would be a wicked fool so say i believed, yet did nothing. this blog is a "something" i hope will have impact but exists simply because this stuff is true. your view of God, man, the world and how you relate to each matters and must be pondered. socrates' maxim, "the unexamined life is not worth living" rings true here. we are responsible for how we lived. we can't say, "it isn't my fault, i didn't know that X" when were so distracted from life that we refused to investigate what is real and true; we are to seek, but most are to busy and distracted by games, parties, or work and are stuck in a comfortable bubble that shelters them from real living. we are culpable for our ignorance. i also write so that we won't be ignorant any longer. if what i believe is true, then we are for something; and i care far too much to be silent.

3) i will be bringing up thoughts and topics that are seldom heard within the modern evangelical church context. they must be said and i will do my best to define and display their importance with clarity.

4) i am writing a blog to increase my capacity to express thoughts clearly.

5) i am writing a blog because i love teaching through speaking and writing. yet, i am for the first time in 2 years without a direct platform to teach and express what i am learning and how i am growing. so, this is my platform. an artist experiences emptiness when he cannot "do" art; it is what he loves. i am writing because, in a sense, it helps me stay sane! i can express even when no one will listen.

be blessed as you continue living and loving, striving and struggling in and for the only Kingdom that matters: christus rex...

what's the point? part 2 coming soon --> why should you care?

1 comment:

  1. FYI: there are a couple of typos so watch out! also, "christus rex" is Latin for Christ is King...
